Heute als Vorschau
Unique ID: SOM-4B0603
Object type certainty: Certain
Workflow status: Published Find published
Early Anglo-Saxon glass bead, opaque black with translucent white trails in a crossed wave pattern creating three pointed oval cells arround the side each containing a red dot in the centre, 21.2mm in diameter, the width varies from 6.3 to 7.2mm and the thickness from 9.0-11.2mm, it weighs 6.02 grams.
Brugmann (2004) "Candy" type with translscent glass on opaque, form A1-A2, dating to 450-550 AD.
Class: Brugmann A1-A2
Subsequent actions
Subsequent action after recording: Returned to finder
Broad period: EARLY MEDIEVAL
Subperiod from: Early
Date from: Circa AD 450
Date to: Circa AD 550
Dimensions and weight
Quantity: 1
Width: 7.2 mm
Thickness: 11.2 mm
Weight: 6.02 g
Discovery dates
Date(s) of discovery: Thursday 24th February 2011
Schwertperle aus England
Quelle: https://finds.org.uk/database/artefacts/record/id/450337